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State Street Boulevard from the Capitol, Harrisburg, PA

Historic Towns

This view looks westward from the steps of the Pennsylvania State Capitol on Capitol Hill down State Street toward the scenic Susquehanna River. The view from an earlier day would have been seen by Abraham Lincoln when entering the old Capitol Building at the time he spoke there upon traveling to his inauguration in 1861 at Washington D. C. This view captures the heart of Harrisburg's Capitol District with the Civil War-era, Pine Street Presbyterian Church at far left, in which Civil War Major Marcus Reno, later known from the Battle of Little Bighorn, was married in 1863.On State Street, center, stands Grace Methodist Church, foreground, and Saint Patrick Cathedral beyond. Grace Methodist Church was temporarily used by the Pennsylvania General Assembly for its sessions after the old Capitol burned in 1897.

Panorama by Jeb Stuart / Jackson Lattimore